Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fitness Friday

I'm naming Fridays as "FITNESS FRIDAYS". So every Friday, I'll be bringing videos with FITNESS tips for you and your dog!  How great is that?!??!? Enjoy!

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at

If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!
I can be found on the web at:

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tu NOT Salad

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Professional Photographer and Videographer, Professional Dog Trainer, and Swiss American Vegan Gal

Recently, a fellow YouTuber, posted a video on a great salad alternative. Growing up most of us probably have had a tunafish sandwich right?...(I said MOST!) Well as a vegan, you don't have to give up these types of sandwiches, you just have to substitute healthier options into the mix.

So I responded to her video on YouTube by making my version of  Tu NOT Salad, and making it into a wrap without bread!

Of course, there are always other options to replace, any ingredients I used but I feel that my version has the"fishy" taste of Tuna without the FISH! I actually prefer Earth Balance Vegan Mayo, but here it goes.....check out my video below!

If you choose you can offer the TU NOT Salad to your dog, and share the meal- I would leave off the lettuce wrap though.  Otherwise, everything is safe and healthy for the whole Six Legged Companion team!

I hope you enjoyed this video, you can watch Sarah's version on her YouTube channel at TheVegetablife or check her website out at www.The Vegetablife.com.
As always you can find me at:
Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at

If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!
I can be found on the web at:

Monday, July 8, 2013

Top 5 Tips for Surviving the Dog Days of Summer

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Professional Photographer/ Videographer, Professional Dog Trainer

WOW! Can you believe the temperatures lately? Here in Long Island, New York, temperatures have risen to all time highs. There have been heat advisories issued for the area.

As the Old Farmers Almanac says, it is the time for the Dog Days of Summer. According to the almanac, it starts on July 3rd.

So, Skyler and I decided we should blog and do a video on the Dog Days and how to handle them safely and happily. (And the rest of our pack!)

Skyler and I at the IAMS Doggy Dash
that takes place during the Dog Days of Summer!
Skyler and I know what it's like to exercise in the heat of it all. And we also know how to do it safely! So we want to share our knowledge with you. Just knowing how to handle the Dog Days of Summer is so important to a happy and healthy season!
Here are our 5 Top Tips for Surviving the Dog Days of Summer:
1. Exercise early or late in the day!
2. Keep Hydrated!
3. Keep Cool!
4. Protect your uncovered bodyparts!
5. Know the signs of Overheating and Heatstroke, and what to do in case of overheating.
So we hope you choose to take our tips and have a great Doggone Healthy Summer, during these Dog Days of Summer!

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at

If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!
I can be found on the web at: