Well the New Year is upon us! 2014 is here, out with 2013....in with a BRAND NEW YEAR- and 2014 as one of my friends pointed out- is the year of the horse, bounds to bring us all lots of LUCK and good times. Whether it's losing those 10 pounds, achieving that PR in the upcoming race, taking your career to the next step, spending more time with love ones (pets, family, and/or friends), whatever it is- it is up to you (or for myself- it's up to me to step to bat and take the appropriate steps to get there!)
Here are some tips to make those resolutions stick:
1- Write them down- WAIT, WAIT, WAIT....that's not it, keep that list (whether it's 1 or 100 things on that list...KEEP IT VISIBLE EVERYDAY so you can see it and hold yourself accountable for sticking with it!)
2- Visualize what meeting or keeping those resolutions will bring you- if it's losing those 10 pounds- cut out photos and put them next to your resolution above....or think about and visualize playing at the dogpark with your dog- jumping all around, running all around- as others envy your energy level and want to join in....
3- Set realistic goals for yourself.....if you want to go VEGAN- GREAT go for it!....BUT consider making smaller steps at first to get there why not make a meatless monday stick for a few months, then add a dairyfree Wednesday.....ease into vegetarianism, which will later become living a healthy and happy (and compassionate) VEGAN lifestyle
4- If you fall off the wagon, just (as they say) pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again! There is no shame in falling off the wagon- it's just part of your journey and (who knows it make make a GREAT book one day, or even a great blog now!)
5- Get some support to help you through it all. There are health coaches all over the place that will help you through it all and get you to meeting that goal!
These are just a few things to consider as you start off 2014 with your clean slate. I know I am taking my own advice here. You can follow me on facebook- Pamela Schmidlin, twitter- theDogRunner, Pinterest- Pamela Schmidlin, Instagram- Pamela Schmidlin, Path- Pamela Schmidlin, and Linked In- Pamela Schmidlin.

Until tomorrow, stick with it....have a great New Year's Day and enjoy your life to the max!