Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Days: FREE 3 Day Detox Challenge

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Professional Photographer and Videographer, Certified Dog Trainer

May 1, 2013- It's May, time for May flowers. And time to make the transition from those heavy winter foods to lighter spring foods. Today, I'll start you out with a easy three day detox, for you and some detox tips for your dog each day.

So are you ready to transition? Are you ready to shed the winter pounds away? Are you ready to boost your mood into high gear? Well then let's get started!

First and foremost, it's really simple....I'll be giving you some recipes but you can tailor them to your liking.....just follow these simple, easy guidelines.

Include these foods:  Whole, Unprocessed foods
                                   Fresh pressed juices
                                   ALL FRUIT SMOOTHIES

ELIMINATE these foods: Processed Foods (anything that comes in a package)
                                           Meat (including poultry and fish)
                                           Caffeine (including tea and chocolate)
Day One
*HINT: Start each day with warm lemon water. It will cleanse the blood, liver, and kidneys and it activates our digestive system for maximum efficiency throughout the day!
Breakfast and Lunch: Green Smoothie
Ingredients: Spinach (a handful or two)
Mango (1)
Bananas (2)
Water (to your liking- enough to allow blender to blend easily- keep in mind, the amount of water will make the smoothie more or less thick or thin!)
Coconut Butter (about 1 tbsp)
Preparation: Put the greens, mango, bananas, water, and coconut butter in a blender and blend them all together until smooth!
Pour into a glass and ENJOY!
Mangos contain antioxidants that help protect the body from cancers. They are also a great alkalizing food, to help maintain a healthy Ph level in the body.  Full of vitamins A and C, and 25 other carotenoids they help boost the immune system. Containing high levels of fiber, pectin, and vitamin C will help improve digestion and lower cholesterol.  As well as being full of beta carotene and vitamin C, they help with the skin's cell repair and elasticity, and vitamin A helps maintain eye health, night blindness, and dry eyes.
Bananas contain fiber, and carbohydrates that help regulate the body's digestive system by help maintain a healthy digestive tract. Bananas contain potassium, which has a calming effect on the mind. The potassium has good side effects to the kidneys, controling the spending of calcium in the urine helping kidneys to function well and reduce the risk of kidney stones. The high levels of antioxidant phenolic compounds help to protect the kidneys. The potassium and low sodium in combination prevent high blood pressure and risk of stroke. Healthy carbohydrates act to increase energy.  A banana a day can help healthy vision.  Containing Tryptophan, an amino acid compound helps to produce serotonin which helps you feel calm and stabilize your mood.
Spinach is loaded with vitamins like A, K, D and E as well as trace minerals. They are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids.  Contain antioxidants that are anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory. Alkalizes the body. Contains carotenoids that protect the eyes against diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration as well as nourishing the eyes. The Vitamin K it contains as well as the calcium and magnesium it strengths the bones.

Dinner: Stir Fry- Veggie Style

*Tip:Your external environment is a reflection of your internal environment so take the time to some spring cleaning to rid any clutter in your home or workplace.

Veggie Stir Fry
 Carrots (2-4)
Broccoli (1-2 stalks)
Kale (1-2 handfuls)
Onion (1)
Garlic (1-2 cloves)
Olive Oil (1-2 tbsps)
Sea Salt (to taste)
Chop veggies however you desire, use all of the veggies you can (only cutting off dry portions, etc)
and put them aside.
Heat pan over medium heat then add olive oil.
When oil is hot, add kale, broccoli,carrots, onions, garlic, and sea salt.
Once kale is wilted and bright green. Remove from heat.
Take lemon and squeeze lemon juice over the mix.
Cut up avocado, and add to the mix.
Serve it up, and ENJOY!
Okay, you've made it through DAY ONE!

Oh, for our's their detoxing for our dog for Day One:

Yes, toxins can build up in our dog's body too, so it's a good idea to help them cleanse their body's from the inside out!

Today, let's try some Burdock for our dogs. 

Burdock cleanses the skin and had anti inflammatory, and antibacterial and antioxidant effects.

Burdock treats skin conditions, dandruff, and acne.

Burdock first works on the execretory system, by stimulating the release of toxins from the body. It cleans the blood of impurities, and removes toxins through the skin.  Secondly, it is directed to the skin, and helps the healing of the skin.

It comes in several forms to include capsules, dried herbs, liquid extracts, teas, and tinctures. It is taken internally.

*Note: This can interact with diabetes medication.
Tune in tomorrow for DAY TWO!
Good Luck!
See you then!

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If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!
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