Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1st- World Vegetarian Day!

By Pamela Schmidlin, CHHC, Professional Photographer/ Videographer, Professional Dog Trainer

Welcome to October! To bring in this month, we start it off with a bang- World Vegetarian Day! This is a kick off for Vegetarian Awareness Month as well!

What does it mean to me to be vegetarian?
To me being a vegetarian or in my case a VEGAN, means being conscious of the everyday choices I make and knowing the impact they have on the animals, the environment, ME, and yes, even YOU! I want to make educated choices in my life that will have a positive impact on everything. Now granted I am not perfect but being an informed consumer and making those choices I can make a HUGE difference in the world around me EVERYDAY of my life!

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mohandas Gandhi
"Not to hurt our humble brethren (the animals) is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission - to be of service to them whenever they require it... If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men." ~ St Francis of Assisi
Being a vegetarian/ vegan, to me means to treat ALL living beings with kindness and compassion. I feel killing an innocent cow or chicken is no different than killing a human being. We all feel, love, and live in the same world. We all breathe the same air.
Things you can do for World Vegetarian Day 2013 are:
to go meatless for the day (if not longer)- give it a try,
gather your friends together and talk about your reason(s) for wanting to make a change in your life and serve some easy simple vegetarian recipes found at www.peta.org, in recipe books, etc.,
visit your local farms and get to know some farm animals personally,
watch the videos on peta.org to see where you food really comes from.
Think about your everyday choices and how they affect the world around you, and think about whether or not you can live with your decisions.

There are so many options out there today for vegetarians and vegans alike. From veggie burgers, rices, pastas, and your vegan junk foods (like Doritos and Twizzlers!) to your good ole fruits and veggies. Just like anything you can spend a little or alot. Making a bowl of pasta, or rice with veggies is simple, easy, delicious, nutritious, and satisfying. So check out some new vegetarian recipes online, some of my past videos on YouTube, and head on out to the store or farmers market (better yet!) and see what great finds you can find out there to help you make the best Doggone Healthy Choices you can make for all!
Check out my brief video on World Vegetarian Day here:


Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at


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