Thursday, July 23, 2015

Switching in up for awhile.......

July 23, 2015-

For a few weeks possibly months I will be switching things up for awhile. I will always love to go out for a run of course, and from time to time I will head out to do so. BUT I will be concentrating on some workouts other than running! I have chosen to use the Nike Training app to shake up my training, and include different exercises into my days!

The next four weeks I have my workouts scheduled  and will be following them religiously. The great thing about the workout plan I chose was that it is DIFFERENT everyday!

Otherwise the other main thing I need to accomplish this week let's give myself  7 days from today......which will give me a deadline of July 30, 2015. Is to go through my bedroom and organize it better. The rest of the house is clutter free already, with the exception of a few piece in the kitchen.

Apples can be shared with your dog but watch out
that they do not get the pits or core!
Also I am working on changing around the way I eat again, STILL VEGAN of course! But I am going to be using a lot of Alicia Silverstone's recipes from he book "The Kind Diet" actually it should be called "The Kind Lifestyle" anyway.......

NOTE: Oh and if Alicia Silverstone is still in NY I invite her to come out to Long Island to meet my dogs and myself one day!

I will also be using recipes and all from Dr Neal Barnard's 21 Day Vegan Challenge.......just to switch things up a bit in my nutritional lifestyle! Most if not all of the recipes I use will be dog friendly so I can share them with my dogs!

Okay, I need to start my 7 Day Healthy Dog and Me Challenge today as well......will you join me?.....I know I said I was going to do this a few times but life prevailed which prevented me from starting and doing this challenge........

Okay then.....some goals have been set for myself......feel like joining along!?!?!??!

Have a happy and healthy day until tomorrow,
Your Six Legged Companion Coach,

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