Tuesday, April 30, 2013


By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

April 30, 2013- Walking! It's a simple easy thing to do right? Of course, you take one foot and put in front of the other and start to walk.....or is it that simple?!?!?

Take for instance a child learning his or her first steps, or a puppy just learning to walk. It's not always that easy, and definitely something you should not take for granted, as there as so many people in this world that for whatever reason cannot walk!

When you go out for a walk, I hope there are a few things you keep in mind to help you, keep yourself safe, which will result an even more enjoyable walk for yourself.

Before you head out for a walk, make sure you have a comfortable walking shoe. The proper shoe can make or break a nice walk. You need a shoe that is comfortable, and that gives you the correct support. With all the shoes out there, try them on in the store and make sure they're a great fit, perfect size, and a good WALKING shoe.  Yes, there are shoes that just aren't made for walking! Not all shoes are made for walking.

Okay, another thing you should think about is purchasing a reflective vest or headlamp/ flashlight.  I want you to think about this because we need to be seen by oncoming traffic. Let's face it, even though it's illegal to talk on the phone or text people still do it, people fiddle with the radio, people have so much going on their mission is to get to their destination and sometimes the mind wanders and they may not see you. SO bring as much attention to yourself as you can, even in the daytime. (Here's a fact: I was walking with my dogs awhile ago, and I saw a UPS driver wearing a reflective vest in the daytime and asked why he was wearing it in the daytime- he said it was company policy, NOW if a big company like that came up with a policy like that, there has to be something to it!) Of course, if your going out at night for a walk, wear a reflective vest AND have a headlamp or flashlight on your person, and ON! Again, let's be seen at all times.

Speaking about walking at night, and being safe. Especially for women (and men). Know where your walking and choose a well lit area. Choose a safe neighbor if you can and know how to protect yourself if you need to. Now, I'm not saying to carry mase, or any weapons with you- but know some basic defense moves, and use your keys or flashlight to protect yourself. If possible walk with a buddy (preferably all the time, but especially at night! IE- Your dog can be great protection!)

Walk on the side of the road against traffic when there are no sidewalks. Reason being: when you walk on the road AGAIN you want to be seen AND you want to see quickly what is approaching you. The response time will be quicker if you do not have to take the time to turn around and see the oncoming car. (If you have sidewalks, USE THEM!)

Now, I know this is going back to grammar school BUT it's an oldie but goodie!
"LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING THE STREET!" So many times today, we rely on traffic lights and signs....and that's great BUT people have been known to miss a light or sign...or just run through them- or the infamous "california roll". So take the extra time and LOOK BOTH WAYS!

Whenever you can cross at a crosswalk USE THE CROSSWALK, they were put there for a reason!

Railroad Crossings, when crossing a railroad crossing, do not take chances! Again look both ways, do not try to beat the train, if the bars are down and lights are flashing!

Walking the Dog(s)!

Okay, Skyler, Sandy, Candycane, and Benji wanted me to talk about properly walking your dog on the street and on the local trails. They complied some information on their many walks on how we can better walk with our dogs and make it better for them (and us as well!)

First and foremost, when you walk the dog on the street- it is best to KEEP YOUR DOG ON A LEASH. To begin with, in most areas IT IS THE LAW! Next, with all that is out there it's just plain safer. I know alot of people have total voice control with their dogs- BUT you don't have total voice control over the driver coming down the road, or the squirrel that just ran out in front of your dog! Or the dog maybe that excited dog on the other side of the road also going for a walk! "Expect the Unexpected! and be prepared with a leash!) And once you pick up after your dog, please discard the waste in the proper recepticles, many dog parks have separate containers for dog waste verses other trash. If this is the case please discard accordingly. If not, please do not leave poop bags just anywhere.

You should be able to communicate with your dog- yes, a few basic training commands. Such as walking your dog on a loose leash properly. Basic commands like sit and down, can come in handy if you need stop at a light or stop sign and need more control over your dog for safety, or if you need clean up after your dog you can have your dog sit and not have your dog pull you all over the place. If you do want to go off leash with your dog, having great voice control is the best, notice I say great not good.

I would be remissed if I didn't mention this point- BRING DOGGIE POOP BAGS on your walk! Be responsible enough to clean up or curb your dog! It's just plain courteous to the neighbors that live in the area, and fellow walkers/ runners, etc.  If the waste is not cleaned up, the rain will not wash it away, it will be washed into water supplys or sit there and develop bacterias that can harm others or yourself in time! It's also not nice to step in a pile of poop, YUCK! And it makes the neighborhood look bad, what if every dog owner let their dogs poop on your front lawn and left it- you wouldn't like it- would you? In many places, if you do not pick up after your dog you can be fined!

Consider a reflective vest, harnass, leash and collar- or lighted apparel for your dog as well. During the day these items will come in handy for your dog as well to be seen.

Identification, make sure your dog has some sort of identification- rabies tags, id collar and/ or tags, today they have id tags that people can go online and find the owners quickly, and easily. www.roadid.com has id collars for your dog, as well as id bands- bracelets- and more for you!

As I mentioned above, walk on sidewalks- or if one is not present and you walk on the road- walk on the lefthand side of the road towards traffic. Let's take this one more step while walking your dog. Walk your dog with them on the left hand side of YOU! I am suggesting this because you are taller than your dog and therefore easier to spot. (I know people like to see the cute puppy walking down the road BUT!) Another tidbit, people can get lost when looking at the cute dog, their attention can be diverted, and I don't know about you but I want their full attention on driving safely!

I mentioned proper walking shoes above, well let's think about our dog's paws. This doesn't mean to go out and buy doggie boots for your dog walks. Although I must admit, this is an option. (Not all dogs would put up with putting them on of course!) Think about the time of day, your going out for your walk- what about the weather. Certain times of the day the roads are hotter which can be harsh on your dogs paws. Or if there is snow and ice, this too can be harsh, in these cases there are several choices for you to consider. One doggie booties, once again not all dogs would be up for this! Or two, you can purchase a guard that you put directly on the paws to protect them from the elements.  I use Paw Guard by Four Paws. And finally, you can opt to walk at another time! Oh you should look at the surface of the road (was it salted to melt the ice- be sure to wipe their paws after walking), or is there broken glass (opt for another route, or just be in tune to where your walking!)

Moving on to walking your dogs on trails. Alright, your probably saying trails- hey, I can safely be off leash here! Well let's look at a few different points. In many places, yeah it's ideal! But at the same time many places it isn't. I would first look at IS IT LEGAL TO HAVE MY DOG OFFLEASH? If it isn't and you are caught without a leash there can be fines. Next look at where you are.....Colorado may have more open space than say NY....and well less people in the given
area....will my dog be tempted to go over and say hello to others, even if unwanted?.....We have to take the responsiblity to be respectful of others using public trails! What about wildlife? Are there foxes, rabbits, ducks, etc that my dog(s) can chase? Is there a possiblity of one or both getting hurt?

I also want to mention keep both you and your dog hydrated, in other words "DRINK WATER!" I heard it in the military, I hear it know....it's so important to drink clean, fresh hydrating water, especially when being active. We are always losing water and need to replace it so drink up! Bring a bottle of water for your dog, and one for you on your walks- you can clip the bottles on your belt and go! (You can even get a collapsible bowl for your dog's water!)

I know these are alot of questions but we all have to think and act responsibly before heading out because this can result in a more happy, peaceful, enjoyable walk. Now, that you know how to go out and have a safe walk, get out there and walk!

I want to mention the use of MPEG players, Ipods, etc., although I love them and use them myself. They can pose a danger in a safe walk. Use them safely and wisely. Keep the volume low, and don't let them take over your concentration, pay attention to your surroundings. If your walking the dog, be sure that you talk to your dog and that you are paying attention to your dog as well as the music that is playing. If you need the volume high, my suggestion would be to leave it home and listen to it later!
Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at
I can be found on the web at:

Monday, April 29, 2013

Swiss American Rescue Dog- Intro Benji

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

April 29, 2013- Today, I will be introducing you to the final "business" partner and friend, a canine.
His name is Benji!
Benji, actually came in our lives through the North Shore Animal League. He is actually my parents dog, but living right next door he is considered one of the pack! He is approximately 3 years old, the youngest of the pack!

He has come to prove himself as a great training partner in my running as well.

Benji knows his place in the pack, he understands that he is the youngest and newest and knows where he stands and accepts his place and lives peacefully and lovingly with Skyler,  Sandy, and Candycane.

The excitement he exudes when it's time for his daily walk is astounding! Or when it's time to "go for a ride"....he has taught me to love the simple things in life and to cherish every moment with gusto!

One of his favorite jobs to do is taste testing, he is one of the taste testers for my recipes.  In the following video, you can see him enjoying some homemade Six Legged Companion Vegan Ice Cream!

The bond that has grown between Benji and my parents is great. Through this bond, he has taught me that a relationship needs to be worked on and treasured.

Although Benji is the newest Swiss American Vegan Rescue Dogs and Six Legged Companion/ Athlete, you will be hearing more from him and/ or about him, and what he has to offer in his everyday lessons.

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at
I can be found on the web at:

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Swiss American Vegan Rescue Dog- Intro Sandy

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

April 28, 2013- Today, I will be introducing you to yet another "business" partner and best friend, a canine. Her name is Sandy.
Sandy is a Cocker Spaniel/ Golden Retriver mix.  She is 14 years old. Sandy came to me way of North Shore Animal League. She was approxiamtely 2 years old. It was shortly after 9/11, that she came into my life. I walked into NSAL, and our eyes met and from that point on, we became the best of friends. She rescued me from that point on. Several weeks before I had lost my dear Sammy (a sheppard mix who I got from Smithtown Animal Shelter), and although Sammy could never be replaced.....Sandy filled a void in my heart!

Sandy also had a similiar look that my dear Candy had, and once again although Candy could never be replaced she filled a void there as well. Candy was a Cocker Spaniel, who came to me through a reputable breeder, one look into her eyes and I knew that we would be forever!

Sandy came to be a Certified Therapy Dog, and had many patients who longed to see her every week at the local nursing home.  She would go in and visit with her patients, and let them pet her and cuddle close to them, and get them smiling in her visits! She taught me that a kind word and smile can go such a long way. She taught me that giving someone the time of day, and having just one conversation or visit can change so much! So becoming a health coach, I keep this lesson in mind. So that I can help change the world, or someone else's world one client at a time!

Sandy has also come to be another running partner, as well as yoga or rather Doga partner. She has taught me to the Downward Dog pose, the Cobra pose (as seen in the photo to the right), and to take the time to properly meditate and to relax! Such doga poses can be seen with Sandy by my side in the video below! Enjoy!

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at
I can be found on the web at:

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Swiss American Vegan Rescue Dog- Intro Candycane

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

April 27, 2013- Today, I'm introducing to you another "business" partner, and best friend of mine, a canine.  His name is Candycane.

Candycane, is a black lab/ chow mix.  He is 13 years old (yet once again, he doesn't think he's older than a puppy!) Candycane came to me way of an (I must admit it as well)....I walked into a pet store, and although I HIGHLY suggest you go to your local shelter and adopt and rescue a dog that needs a home there.....I ended up with Candycane, and whether it was against my best judgement to do so or not, we have been together since he was 6 months old and ever since. And have not regretted the move since.
(Although, I do not support puppy mills! And support visiting you local animal shelters first and foremost!)

Anyway, moving on....Candycane and I have also become running partners, we ran in pack together at our local trails, and on local roadways.  Candycane has even joined Skyler and myself at a few races. 

Candycane, is a protector and has taught me to be discerning when it comes to who to embrace and who to be weary of. (He still is teaching me of course! Dogs have a sixth sense, oh wait that may be their seventh sense....on knowing who is good vs who is dangerous.....they can actually sniff it out, we on the other hand have to hone in our skills a bit more to do so!)

Candycane, has also helped in the dogpark establishing process.

Candycane is also part of the taste testers for all the wonderful treats that come your way. And part of the pass and move on stage! If he doesn't like the treat, until it passes his palate you will not hear of it!

As you can see from the photo above, he teaches great oral hygiene and reminds me to brush and floss after every meal. He teaches me to be considerate and playful.

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at pamelaschm@optonline.net
I can be found on the web at:

Friday, April 26, 2013

Swiss American Vegan Rescue Dog Intro Skyler

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

April 26, 2013- Today, I will be introducing you to one of my business partners, Skyler. One of my best friends, a canine- and someone that has helped me in so many ways while having fun. She teaches me lessons everyday about life and living a healthy one. And together with me wants to help others live that same healthy life.

Skyler is a Sheppard Mix, who is about 12 years old (shhhh...she still thinks she's a puppy though!).  We found each other when she was about 1 year old. I walked into the Huntington Animal Shelter, and she saw me, gave me this look and I was taken in by her. She decided to rescue me and that day she took me home with her. Since then she and I have been inseparable!

Skyler and I soon became running partners, we would run the trails at the local park, we ran around town. After years of training together we found some races that were very dog friendly and we started racing together. (I think she has won more awards than me!) We raced thoughout Long Island (she is known throughout the Greater Long Island Running Club now!), NYC- Manhattan, and New England!

Sadly, a few years ago she literally retired from the running scene, while we were on a trail run at our favorite park, she and I were running when all of a sudden she stopped, sat down and wouldn't budge until I said "okay, we'll walk the rest of the way (we only had a mile left at that point, of a short 6 mile run)" so we walked the rest. Good news though, we still walk everyday and enjoy every step together! Her longest run to date was a 18 mile trail run!

Skyler and I were an active part of getting our local dogpark established, and after a few years of working on our own, we joined together with H-Dog (now LI-Dog, www.lidog.org) which definitely helped in making our dream a reality, the Blydenburgh Dogpark- which is now been a truly active dogpark for several years! We still enjoy the dogpark together with my other dogs as well.

Together we play ball, and come up with tasty treats to share with our YouTube and blog followers. Skyler is instrumental in taste testing my treats, if they pass her discerning palate they will make their way to you, but only if they pass!

The fact that she is respectful of her pack members, shows and teaches me to be respectful of others.  The unconditional love she gives to me and others shows me that in this world we need to embrace the love and share what we can without expecting anything in return many times!

I call her a Swiss American Rescue Dog because as part of my family now, and being part German Sheppard- she definitely has the Swiss traits embedded in her (not to mention her neutrality in certain cases!).....An American being born and raised in America!......She truly is a Rescue dog in that she has saved my life, and continues to help others (human and dog alike)!  Oh and Vegan, she is Vegan and going strong!

I hope you enjoyed the videos above of Skyler, the Swiss American Vegan Rescue Dog, and Six Legged Athlete and Companion. Check back tomorrow for another introduction to another Swiss American Vegan Rescue Dog!

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at pamelaschm@optonline.net
I can be found on the web at:

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Swiss American Vegan Gal Intro

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

April 25, 2013- I thought I'd really introduce myself to you today.....the next couple of days, you'll be introduced to my "business partners", the Swiss American Vegan Rescue Dogs- Skyler, Sandy, Candycane, and Benji.  (AKA the Six Legged Athletes/ Companions!)

I am someone who strongly believes in her family and roots, and wants to learn more about them.  I love the fact that my family came from Switzerland and longs to learn more about the country and the customs everyday in order to incorporate them into my lifestyle here in NY!

As a vegan, I came to the lifestyle in steps. First transitioning to vegetarian then to vegan, and now I guess I would be considered an eco-vegan! I came to this lifestyle with the thought of animals, I didn't want to kill oe hurt any animals in anyway for any part of my life. I started to give up eating meat, then dairy, not wear leather, and well you get the point. Soon it became a move for not just the animals but the environment/ planet, I drove less....and walk, run, or ride my bike more than drive. I gave up using plastic bottles- I drink tap water, mostly filtered....and am once again changing the filtering system I use because I found an even better one than I am presently using!

I decided to work with my dogs because they are teachers to me as well....whether it's teaching me to do the proper Downward Dog (Yoga Pose), or teaching me to handle different situations in life, and to remain calm, or just being there to lower my blood pressure (by the way, my blood pressure is unusally low and whenever I have a checkup they are surprized to see such a low yet healthy blood pressure!). They are also my exercise partners, in the next few days you will see how each of my dogs- came to be a Six Legged Athlete with me!

If you are interested in hiring me as a health coach, I will be as neutral about your lifestyle choice as possible- you set your path BUT I will educate you on health choices you can make in your daily life to be the healthiest and happy YOU! Along with your health coaching, I offer one added bonus....your dog gets a FREE health coach along with you. (If you have a cat, bird, hamster, or any other pet- I will be there for them as well! Hey, animals need to be healthy too! And I know that the unconditional love they give in return will be immeasureable!)

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, atpamelaschm@optonline.net
I can be found on the web at:


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Recipe for a Dogs and People

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer

April 24, 2013- With the warmer weather on it's way, I decided to make my dogs a treat yesterday, this was a perfect treat to help them cool down after a nice long walk.

This treat is all vegan, all natural, all delicious, and can be consumed by ALL! (meaning your dog and you!)

So, with all that being said......here we go.....

Six Legged Companion Vegan Ice Cream
Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups of vegan yogurt (I used Amande Cultured Almondmilk)
1-2 tbsps of fresh peanut butter (my suggestion is to use fresh peanut butter and not the commercial brands, or make it yourself, it doesn't take long)
1 Banana (I use ripe bananas, those with spots as it's sweeter)
1 tbsp of Coconut Butter (I use Artisana Raw Coconut Butter)
What to do:
Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend together!
Once blended- everything should be smooth- take the mixture and pour into separate bowls.
Put the bowls into the freezer for a few hours.
Once the ice cream freezes, bring it on out and serve it up!
Now, you have a treat that you can make in less than 5 minutes (okay, a little longer if you count the freezing process....) and enjoy alongside your dog on those hot summer dog days of summer!
Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, atpamelaschm@optonline.net
I can be found on the web at:


Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day 2013

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

Monday, April 22, 2013- Happy Earth Day!....

Actually everyday is Earth Day to me, as I try to live animal and environmentally friendly as earthly possible! (pun intended!) Living a vegan lifestyle, I already decided to contribute to cleaner, happier, and healthier planet! But for those of us who are transitioning to such a lifestyle or live another lifestyle, what are some ways you can choose to celebrate Earth Day today (and hopefully everyday from here on out, let Earth Day be the start of new healthier habits that will have a positive, happy impact on the world around you!).

Here are some ways that you can contribute:

1- DRINK WATER.....but wait, go for filtered tap water, and use a recycleable container. Forget the plastic bottle, the plastic bottles use a lot of fossil fuels and pollute the environment. In fact, Americans buy more bottled water than any other nation in the world, adding 29 billion water bottles a year to the problem. In order to make all these bottles, manufacturers use 17 million barrels of crude oil. That’s enough oil to keep a million cars going for twelve months.

Recycling one plastic bottle can save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for six hours.

2.  Recycle!....Whenever you can recycle, this means yes- any plastic bottles you may use....but it also means so many other things, from wood, metals, plastics, paper, glass, and of course biodegradable waste....
Some of the benefits of recycling are:
  • Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators;
  • Conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals;
  • Prevents pollution caused by reducing the need to collect new raw materials;
  • Saves energy;
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global climate change;
  • Helps sustain the environment for future generations;
  • Helps create new well-paying jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries in the United States.

3. Composting! Recycling any fruit and veggie scraps for use in upcoming gardening is a great idea! There are so many ways to
start your compost pile today. Composting improves the soil structure, increases the nutrient content, uses less water, as well as warding off plant diseases.

4. Drive less, walk, run, or bike to your destination whenever possible. Or take public transportation whenever possible!

5. Start a garden! Whether it be fruits, and veggies or wonderful flowers, it all adds so much back to the earth! Use that compost you made from the biodegradable waste!

Skyler, Candycane, Sandy, and Benji have their suggestions for how their fellow dogs can help celebrate Earth Day today and everyday! Here are their suggestions:

1. Walk the dog more- and while on those walks use compostable poop bags. Don't use extra bags.

2. Clean your backyard of any poop regularly!
Important because bacteria, worms, and parasites thrive in the waste. And eventually can wash away into our water supply!

3. Feed your dog a vegetarian or vegan food (and watch out for GMO's in their food, and anything you or they shouldn't be eating!) www.v-dog.com

4. Buy toys and products that are animal and environmentally safe! (Including shampoos and grooming products!)

5. Be sure to spay and neuter you pets!

There are so many ways you can celebrate Earth Day today, how are you going to go a little greener today?

Oh, one more thing......here's a message from the plants themselves on Earth Day 2013:
Enjoy! (hehe....) 
Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at pamelaschm@optonline.net
I can be found on the web at:


Sunday, April 21, 2013

More pampering yourself: Tongue Cleaning

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

Tongue Cleaning

Alright we all brush our teeth right?!?!?....And floss....but how many of us clean our tongues? What? Clean our tongues?!?!

Yes, I said it....Clean our tongues. There is alot of bacterial build-up, food debris, fungi, and dead cells from the surface of the tongue that you may not clean off while brushing your teeth. Yuck!

The bacteria and fungi that grow on the tongue are related to many common oral care and general health problems. As well as the decaying bacteria that produce volatile sulphur compounds on the rear of the tongue; these molecules account for 80 to 95 percent of all cases of halitosis (bad breath).

So we have to take that extra step and clean our tongues!

There are several ways to go about this, ready?

First, take your toothbrush and brush your tongue.  They do sell tongue brushes! Toothbrushes are not the most effective way of tongue cleaning.

Second, and more effective is tongue scraping. You can purchase a tongue scraper pretty inexpensively. Tongue cleaners are designed to lift and trap the plague caoting and clean the surface of the tongue.

Tongue cleaning will remove some of the millions of bacteria (up to 500 different types), decaying food debris, fungi (such as candida), and dead cells, from the rear surface of the tongue. Tongue cleaning is generally viewed as an effective solution for many cases of  bad breath.

When you clean your tongue you are practicing good oral hygiene. The bacteria are considered as major contributors to periodontal problems, plaque on the teeth, tooth decay, gum infections, gum recession and even tooth loss.

In addition, physicians have reevaluated the link between oral health and pathologies of the rest of the body. Many clinical studies concluded that oral bacteria are associated with a number of serious  diseases. Such as cardiovascular problems, pneumonia, increased risk of diabetes, and osteoporosis of the jaw.

Alright to be honest I love puppy breathe, but as our dog get older doggie breathe isn't as cute as that puppy breathe.  So it's also important to keep our dogs, teeth and mouth healthy.

So yes, we should continue to brush our dogs teeth....make sure they have something to chew on so that they can work remove plaque themselves as well! BUT they actually have a tongue cleaner for dogs, check the link here: http://www.orapup.com/. The cleaner uses the dog's natural tendencies to lick! While helping your dog towards fresher breathe, you will be treating the dog, and NOT forcing your dog to do anything he/ she doesn't want to do!

So make sure you brush, floss, and clean your tongue! (and your dog's too!)

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at pamelaschm@optonline.net
I can be found on the web at:

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A way to start your day with a kick!

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

Green Smoothies....yes, I have another recipe for you today! It's Green Smoothie time. I start my day with a nice glass of refreshing, hydrating water of course followed by a nice GREEN SMOOTHIE!

So I thought today I would share my Green Smoothie recipe with you.....ready? Here we go!

My Favorite Green Smoothie Recipe

Greens of your choice (I use 1-2 handfuls of my choosing for the day this could be Spinach, Kale, Swiss Chard, or whatever greens you choose to you!)

Bananas (2)

Mango (1)

Water (as much or little as needed to get the thickness or consistency you prefer! Be sure to add the water as you blend to see just how much you want!)

Coconut Butter (1 to 2 tbsps- to your liking)

Put the greens in first, then the mango and bananas, and slowly add the water. Once you blend these ingredients a little stop and add in the Coconut Butter!

Blend until smooth and you have a nice green color. Now pour in a glass and serve!

A Great K-9 Green Smoothie

Okay, I bet your never thought of making a Green Smoothie for you dog- huh?....Well, let's try it....

Take about 1/2 cup of Greens (again, whichever you choose)

Banana (1)

Peanut Butter (1-2 tbsp) (Try to get natual peanut butter, or any nut butter of your choosing)

Water (again enough to make the consistency of your liking)

Blend the greens, Banana, and water together until smooth and you have a nice green color. Now that it's blended,  take your dog's food in a bowl and pour over the smoothie over it, mix it together and serve it to your dog!

Here's a video with me making my Green Smoothies, Enjoy!


Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at pamelaschm@optonline.net
I can be found on the web at:

Weekend Pampering......

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

The weekend is here.....and although this is something to be done throughout the week, this is something that you can really spend more time on and really pamper yourself with. Ya ready?!?!? Here it is.....


Most of you are probably saying, alright Pam, what the heck is skin brushing? Well it's simple...it's literally taking a brush and brushing your skin....just like to brush your hair you would brush your skin!
I'm thinking the next question your asking is WHY?...Why on earth would I need to brush my skin?
Let me tell you....Skin Brushing helps the skin, by the way our body's largest organ do it's job of detoxifying the body so much easier, that's right it helps us SWEAT! Our skin can become so clogged with dead skin cells and everything around us that comes in contact with our skin that we need to help it out.
Dry Skin brushing removes any dead skin cells, so that we can grow new skin cells. It can improve circulation in the areas that we brush as well. Not to mention the smoother skin we get afterwards, and the healthy glow that follows. As well as the reduction of cellulite due to the increased blood flow to the skin.  Skin becomes firmer once the dead skin cells are brushed away. 

Not to mention that when you skin brush, the act of skin brushing leaves you feeling awake and revived. Which is a great morning started (and cheaper than a cup of coffee, as well as better for you!).

And finally take some stress off the liver and kidneys.

Now here's how to skin brush:

Use a soft, natural bristle brush preferably with a long handle to reach areas like your back. Allow at least 5 minutes for yourself to skin brush.

Start with your hands or feet, and brush towards your heart. (Yes, at first you may tickle your feet- but go with it, the laughter at first will do you go as well.)

Work towards your heart, if you started with your hands once you reach your heart center- do your feet....again brushing towards the heart. Brush every part of your body.

* If you have any wounds or rashes avoid them, and continue on.

Alright, Skyler, Sandy, and Candycane wanted to mention the version of Dog Skin Brushing. Which is simply....Brushing the dog!

Brushing the dog is NOT just a good idea to make your dog look good before heading to the dogpark, it is so good for your dog's health (not to mention yours). So I'm going to suggest setting aside time each week to really brush your dog.

Brushing your dog, let's you know what your dog's body is really like, and at this time you can look for lumps, bumps, or abrasions. You will be able to find bacterial infections, insect bites, or skin cancers.

Keeping your dog mat free is important as well. Mats are tangled hair, that are hard to separate, that are close to the skin and can become painful overtime. They can also cause skin problems. Remove matting carefully with special mat combs that can be purchased at your local pet store.

Depending on your dog's coat, you will need a brush, comb, or rake. Take a look at your dog's coat, if unsure you can ask at your local pet store, or groomers about what to use for regular maintenance of your dog's specific coat.

Here's how to go about brushing your dog:

Always approach your dog in a positive manner when your going to brush him/her.

If your dog is not used to being brushed and wants to run from you, you may have to introduce this new activity slowly. One step at a time. Start by calling your dog, introducing the brush to them, and brushing one slow stroke at a time, followed by stroking them with your hand. Always talking calmly with your dog. Start with a minute of two, and work up to longer brushing time.

Be carefully around sensitive areas (groin, stomach, and pit areas).

Brushing is a great bonding experience between you and your dog.

Have a great weekend...more blogs and vlogs to come....so check back during the weekend, bookmark my blog....and we'll see you soon....So go pamper yourself today (and everyday) and then pamper your dog!

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at pamelaschm@optonline.net

I can be found on the web at:


Friday, April 19, 2013

Recipe: Raw Date Balls

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer/Videographer

This recipe is fast and easy, and all it takes are two ingredients (or three if you make two versions!). Give it try I know you'll love this sweet treat! And they are dog friendly so you have a treat that you can share with your dog!

Six Legged Companion Date Balls
(yes, I named these for a date night treat to have with you dog!)

Ingredients: Dates (medjool), with pits
     Unsweetened Shredded Coconut                      

Carob Powder (you can use raw or roasted)

Step One: Take the pits out of the dates and put into a bowl
Step Two: Put dates into blender with coconut (or carob powder- or both) and blend them together until you get a nice dough
Step Three: Once you have a nice dough take the mixture and roll into small balls (munchkin size)
Step Four: Take some more shredded coconut and/ or carob powder and roll the balls in them to coat the outside 
Step Five: Place finished balls on a plate or in a container to store for later
Step Six: ENJOY with your dog!
*Dates, Carob, and Coconuts are all safe for your dog and are not toxic to them.

Watch my video to see me making the Six Legged Companion Coconut Date Balls!

I can be found on the web at: