Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 13, 2015-

As promised I am going to tell you how to change your career today, how to become a much needed healthcoach!

First let me give you a link to a sample class - that I was given to share with you!

I also want to share a link to the curriculum guide at IIN:
Just click on the links above and check out what the school offers you to learn about nutrition and so much more. I also want to share a video with you here, just check out this video with some top medical officals in the USA: (Dr Neal Barnard is one of my favorite teachers at IIN!, he is also the founder and President of PCRM, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine!)
Another well known doctor who highly respects and says there is a HUGE need for healthcoaches throughout the world as well as the USA!
If you want to talk with me more about becoming a healthcoach you can email me at 
and I will talk further with you and answer any question you may have!


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Pam's Daily Blog

May 12, 2015-

With only 11 days left until our marathon, we are in our final taper week, yes in our training plan we have two taper weeks.....lucky us right!

Okay, so we actually took a day off yesterday as the pollen just hit me so much. So we went out today and ran and even did some extra mileage with a nice and easy walk/ run with Benji as well!

You can read Scout's blog today to see more about our training today!

I saw a posting from David Avocado Wolff on Facebook today.......

Now I don't agree with everything he shares but this is something I had to share as's that time of year to take off those shoes and let your feet breathe for one, just letting your feet air out is great foot health.
And yes, it does help you connect to nature! Look at all those benefits he listed, I will not retype them as you can read them above. But let's put it this way our dogs do not typically wear shoes so let's take a lesson from them! (occasionally we put booties on our dogs or protective waxes or whatever to help them in protecting their paws against the elements but outside that they go BAREPAWED! So why are we so different!
Challenge: Let's challenge ourselves to lost the shoes for a day and connect back to nature.....and ground ourselves. Let's clear our bodies of the electricity absorbed by all those electronics we use on a daily basis. What do you say? Choose a day a do it! Let's go barefoot just like our dogs!
Tomorrow I will talk about making a career change and becoming a much need health coach and how you can do it just like I did! Ya ready?!?!!?? Tune in tomorrow to see how, I will be here to help you in every way with your new career change!
Ok, until tomorrow,
have a tail waggin evening,

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Pam's Update Blog

May 10, 2015-

I am 14 days away from my marathon today, yesterday I ran 16 miles with Scout.
Today was a REST day, and yes I even take my rest days seriously. Overtraining be dangerous and can lead to injury so I know my body needs to rest.

I have been writing down what I do and what I eat, starting to keep my journals again. After you've done it so long you do get into the habit of doing so. But the last few months I haven't really been writing things down so getting back into the habit is kinda hard, do not fear I will do it!

Still missing Skyler and having a hard time moving on with life without her physically present is very difficult for Scout, Sandy, Candycane, and myself but we are trying. I keep in mind she is in my heart with the rest of my past best friends/ family, etc.
Having photos like this one and remembering the times in the backyard brushing her, playing ball with her, running with her, doing doga together, just being with her fill my heart with joy and bring a smile to my face.
Sandy knows this and is trying to hold on a little longer so as not to have my lose two best friends so close together.
I love my best friends so much!
Ok, I hope my Mom and all the Moms out there have a great Mother's Day!
Until tomorrow,
Have a tail waggin day,
Pam, Skyler, Sandy, Candycane, and Scout

Friday, May 8, 2015


May 8, 2015-

Okay, now as a health coach and living in this ever changing world we all live in, I find it necessary to always educate myself to keep up with all the changes that are taking place and new policies and all that are taking place. I started college back in 1990 and ever since have been going back to school to advance myself, and doing my own research as well. As a health coach, I found a great school that really does cover all parts of nutrition, that is primary as well as secondary foods. Or how I like to put it in "simple" terms not just what we put in our bodies ie- kale, tofu, veggies, fruits, chocolate, grains, etc.....but what we do with that energy we are supplying our bodies with. After all our bodies are our temples right?!?!!?? (And that does go for our dogs and other animals as well!)

The school I found was the Institute for Integrative Nutrition! And bonus, once you graduate, you can go back ever year and take a class called Immersion. This can help you help people as best as you possibly can. ( I kinda went Jerry Macguire there on you, oops!)

If you are interested in attending IIN, let me know. I can answer any questions about the program, I can even hook you up with a free class! In this day and age of course, this is distance learning so you can be anywhere in the world and be in class, how awesome is that?!?!?!??!

You can even get a free copy of a book written by the founder and president of the school, You can visit my website (provided by the school as well) and download your copy today! Just click on this link and you can read about nutrition!

Okay, on that note,
I'm going to rest up for tomorrow's long run and I will blog more tomorrow.
the marathon is in 2 weeks (actually16 days!)
Have a tail waggin evening,

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Pam's Daily Blog

May 6, 2015-

Ok, so today was a fun filled day and chocked full of as far as adding anything into our routine nothing was added but we did our workouts nevertheless!

Let's see we started our day with a nice 8 mile run with Scout. Then I came back and had my smoothie. And I went back out for a walk with Benji, another 1 mile covered for me. Wait, I came home and got ready to go back out, a nice shower and change of clothes, that is! Then Scout and I got into the car and headed over to Northport and joined up with Buddy, a Golden Retriever for a 1.25  mile walk/ run. He was dying to get his leash on!

So together Scout and covered a total of 9.25 miles.

Then when we came home I came home and had a salad with lettuce and mushrooms and vegan salad dressing.

Once I nourished myself I headed back out to accomplish some the time I got back home, it was 5:45pm so I made a quick salad (of lettuce and vegan salad dressing). And took a snooze. Hey it was a go go day for, I am doing my blog and getting ready to do some squats (a total of 14 as scheduled in my training).....and getting ready for some situps and pushups for tomorrows training......I am following these apps put out by Runtastic......

I do tend to be rethinking the pushups at this point as my shoulder is hurting and I want to let it heal before I move on- personally I think a massage will help this.......Off to do my squats and get some more rest......

Until tomorrow,
Have a tail waggin' evening,

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

New stuff added today.......

May 5, 2015-

Today I ran a 10 mile run with Scout. Then I came home and properly stretched out. The stretches by name are as follows, there are 17:

1- Single Leg Pelvic Tilt
2- Double Leg Pelvic Tilt
3- Bent Leg Hamstring
4- Straight Leg Hamstring
5- Hip Adductors
6- Hip Abductors
7- Psoas
8- Quadriceps
9- Gluteals
10- Trunk Rotators
11- Piriformis
12- Hip External Rotators
13- Hip Internal Rotators
14- Medial Hip Rotators
15- Trunk Extensors
16- Thoracic- Lumbar Rotators
17- Lateral Trunk Rotators

In the up and coming blogs, I will include videos to show the stretches in detail. And with the help of my companion friends.

I also started a new portion of my program to include daily situps, squats, and pushups.
Tomorrow I will be starting a doing an abs video a day from YouTube. I will be discussing how it worked or didn't work for me and if I recommend said video. I will include links to the videos as well!

Oh yeah I will continue to clean the house tomorrow.....this really helps with proper health as well, living in a organized, clean house is a step towards better health!

Until tomorrow,
have a tail waggin' day,

Monday, May 4, 2015

Daily Blog

May 4, 2015-

I need to add a little something different to my daily workout. So besides adding my Doga workout and stretching back into my daily routine, I wanted to add some ab work . And to spruce up my raw vegan lifestyle, or eat more raw in these warmer temperatures that are presenting themselves these days!

Besides adding to my workouts, I am also going to be cleaning up the house once again......and going to start to remodel again. I have my plans and I need to get going on them once again. Painting is one of those tasks. And I gotta admit painting always puts me in a good state of mind. So WIN- WIN!.....

Ok, so as not to overwhelm myself right now, this week I will be concentrating on adding a few things into my daily workout, (yes, most likely situps, pushups, planks, squats, etc......) I am looking into these things tonight......and I will report more tomorrow. I will be writing down stuff in my daily journal as well as my blog- I want to do want I eat in a day vlogs as well, and my daily workout stay tuned for those! Dare I put my measurements to start with, and how I am progressing from week to week......anyone interested?!?!?!?!?.....Comments below if you are!

Ok, so these are some things I will be starting this week......

Until tomorrow,
Have a tail waggin' day,

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Update ......

May 3, 2015-

What to report.....Okay- first today was the Long Island Marathon weekend- and I had a lot of friends running that marathon- half marathon- as well as other marathons all over!......In fact, Dr Robert Monaco, DVM ran the LI Half Marathon after training with his faithful companion, Jake (yes, companion of the four legged kind!) Dr Monaco is the author or a great book called "ER to PR- Veterinary Medicine on the Run"

In fact he had a story written about him in the local paper, I just had to share this with you all- it is inspiring for anyone and everyone to get moving!......And hey, you can see his best friend pictured in the story!

You can read it here:

He will be participating in the NYC TRI in July so go on in to Central Park and cheer him on as well as Scout and myself who are doing the Doggy Dash!

As far as the week being "Be Kind to Animals Week!" you can do a few things to be kind to our companion friends:

1- try a Meatless Monday
2- Get Your Leash On!
Which will be kind to your companion, yourself and this month other animals at the Kent animal Shelter- a WIN- WIN- WIN- and what the heck WIN! situation there.

Don't forget about our fundraiser for the shelter that helped me find my furever home!
You can help us help them out (did I just go all Jerry Maguire on you all there?!?!?).....anyway click on these links and you can buy our book- in fact, we will start instead of just the month of May- we will extend it from April 15 to May 24th and with every book sold we will donate a portion of the proceeds to Kent Animal Shelter......
 Hard copy version:
EBook Version:
 To make a donation to Kent Animal Shelter go to out Crowdrise fundraiser page here:
3-  You can simply do something like start a new healthy routine with your companion like the simple act of brushing their teeth and coat! As pictured to the left and to the right......this is also kind to yourself as well, BONUS- hey it will lower blood pressure!

These are just the top three ways that some to mind.....think of your own ways and put them in action this week. I hope the great ways become a happy and healthy habit.

Until tomorrow,
 Have a tail wagging evening,

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Quick blog......

May 2, 2015-

Today this is a quick blog so I can get some sleep.......after running 22 miles and then going strong the rest of the day one needs to start the rest part of the training in the program. Tomorrow we will be doing some Doga with Sandy and putting together some stretching videos to share with you all. If you read Sandy's blog today you will see some info on stretching- yes, this is a very important part of your training as well as the REST days and your RUNNING days! It all goes together!.....

My dogs Skyler (As I called her Coach Skyler), Sandy (another Coach), and Candycane who is also a Coach to me help me stretch out. Scout is learning to be a Coach as well. As you can see above they are helping me with some Doga moves.

On that note, as my eyes get heavy and start to close I will be RESTING the next two days in my training but not in my blogs. So tune in and see what we have in store.
