Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1st- World Vegetarian Day!

By Pamela Schmidlin, CHHC, Professional Photographer/ Videographer, Professional Dog Trainer

Welcome to October! To bring in this month, we start it off with a bang- World Vegetarian Day! This is a kick off for Vegetarian Awareness Month as well!

What does it mean to me to be vegetarian?
To me being a vegetarian or in my case a VEGAN, means being conscious of the everyday choices I make and knowing the impact they have on the animals, the environment, ME, and yes, even YOU! I want to make educated choices in my life that will have a positive impact on everything. Now granted I am not perfect but being an informed consumer and making those choices I can make a HUGE difference in the world around me EVERYDAY of my life!

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” ~ Mohandas Gandhi
"Not to hurt our humble brethren (the animals) is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission - to be of service to them whenever they require it... If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men." ~ St Francis of Assisi
Being a vegetarian/ vegan, to me means to treat ALL living beings with kindness and compassion. I feel killing an innocent cow or chicken is no different than killing a human being. We all feel, love, and live in the same world. We all breathe the same air.
Things you can do for World Vegetarian Day 2013 are:
to go meatless for the day (if not longer)- give it a try,
gather your friends together and talk about your reason(s) for wanting to make a change in your life and serve some easy simple vegetarian recipes found at www.peta.org, in recipe books, etc.,
visit your local farms and get to know some farm animals personally,
watch the videos on peta.org to see where you food really comes from.
Think about your everyday choices and how they affect the world around you, and think about whether or not you can live with your decisions.

There are so many options out there today for vegetarians and vegans alike. From veggie burgers, rices, pastas, and your vegan junk foods (like Doritos and Twizzlers!) to your good ole fruits and veggies. Just like anything you can spend a little or alot. Making a bowl of pasta, or rice with veggies is simple, easy, delicious, nutritious, and satisfying. So check out some new vegetarian recipes online, some of my past videos on YouTube, and head on out to the store or farmers market (better yet!) and see what great finds you can find out there to help you make the best Doggone Healthy Choices you can make for all!
Check out my brief video on World Vegetarian Day here:


Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at


If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!

I can be found on the web at:


Friday, August 30, 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Top 5 Ways to transition to a Vegetarian or Vegan Lifestyle

By Pamela Schmidlin
Certified Holistic Health Coach, Professional Photographer/ Videographer, Professional Dog Trainer, 20+ year Vegetarian/ Vegan, and Swiss American Vegan Gal

I made this video to help you kickstart your way to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. And I always bring my dogs along for the ride. Of course, doing things safe, wise, with some fun is important to me.

Please tune in to my You Tube channel, subscribe to my channel....every week I will be bring new videos and blogs to you.....

And go to my website and sign up for a FREE health consultation with ME.....and see how I can help you reach your goals and live the life you want to live! I promise to be there for you!

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at


If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!

I can be found on the web at:

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fitness Friday

I'm naming Fridays as "FITNESS FRIDAYS". So every Friday, I'll be bringing videos with FITNESS tips for you and your dog!  How great is that?!??!? Enjoy!

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at

If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!
I can be found on the web at:

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tu NOT Salad

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Professional Photographer and Videographer, Professional Dog Trainer, and Swiss American Vegan Gal

Recently, a fellow YouTuber, posted a video on a great salad alternative. Growing up most of us probably have had a tunafish sandwich right?...(I said MOST!) Well as a vegan, you don't have to give up these types of sandwiches, you just have to substitute healthier options into the mix.

So I responded to her video on YouTube by making my version of  Tu NOT Salad, and making it into a wrap without bread!

Of course, there are always other options to replace, any ingredients I used but I feel that my version has the"fishy" taste of Tuna without the FISH! I actually prefer Earth Balance Vegan Mayo, but here it goes.....check out my video below!

If you choose you can offer the TU NOT Salad to your dog, and share the meal- I would leave off the lettuce wrap though.  Otherwise, everything is safe and healthy for the whole Six Legged Companion team!

I hope you enjoyed this video, you can watch Sarah's version on her YouTube channel at TheVegetablife or check her website out at www.The Vegetablife.com.
As always you can find me at:
Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at

If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!
I can be found on the web at:

Monday, July 8, 2013

Top 5 Tips for Surviving the Dog Days of Summer

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Professional Photographer/ Videographer, Professional Dog Trainer

WOW! Can you believe the temperatures lately? Here in Long Island, New York, temperatures have risen to all time highs. There have been heat advisories issued for the area.

As the Old Farmers Almanac says, it is the time for the Dog Days of Summer. According to the almanac, it starts on July 3rd.

So, Skyler and I decided we should blog and do a video on the Dog Days and how to handle them safely and happily. (And the rest of our pack!)

Skyler and I at the IAMS Doggy Dash
that takes place during the Dog Days of Summer!
Skyler and I know what it's like to exercise in the heat of it all. And we also know how to do it safely! So we want to share our knowledge with you. Just knowing how to handle the Dog Days of Summer is so important to a happy and healthy season!
Here are our 5 Top Tips for Surviving the Dog Days of Summer:
1. Exercise early or late in the day!
2. Keep Hydrated!
3. Keep Cool!
4. Protect your uncovered bodyparts!
5. Know the signs of Overheating and Heatstroke, and what to do in case of overheating.
So we hope you choose to take our tips and have a great Doggone Healthy Summer, during these Dog Days of Summer!

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at

If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!
I can be found on the web at:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


By Pamela Schmidlin, Cerified Health Coach, Professional Photographer and Videographer, and Certified Dog Trainer

Tuesday, May 14, 2013- Motivation!

Today MOTIVATION is such hard thing at times to come across. Where do you find it?  How do hang on to it? Well, here are a few suggestions and my story from this past weekend.

Last week I was asked by the president of my running club, the Greater Long Island Running Club AKA GLIRC, (www.theglirc.org), to photograph an event for our monthly publication. So Sunday morning, I set out to do just that. It was the Carl Hart Duathlon in Heckscher State Park here on Long Island.

I must say the athletes had perfect weather for the event. Nice temps, beautiful weather. The rain had stopped the night before.  This must have been a motivating factor for many! Afterall the sun was shining and they were ready to roll!

Lance Homan,
Fruition Fitness
Michelle Homan,
Fruition Fitness
Well I get to the park, and followed the signs to the field where the event was to take place... I park my truck, and low and behold two friends were parked right in front of me. Someone honked at me and waved, I gave that look like who is that....as I looked closer it was Fran from GLIRC, and right next to her was Karen. Two beautiful women from the GLIRC Fast Feet Team! This was a
great motivation for me today, just to see some friends I haven't seen in awhile. As I made my way to the start area, I found other friends from GLIRC Lance and Michelle, also from Fruition Fitness (www.fruitionfitness.com), as well as some awesome triathletes! As Lance was warming up for the event, he gave me a high five, the simple act of a high five from someone really can mean alot! So the next time your at an event and you see a friend racing put your hand out and give them a high five! The motivation can really mean alot (on both ends)!

As I moved along, I found my friend Andrea from GLIRC as well as the Long Island Triathlon Team! She was wearing the LITT colors. (www.longislandtriathlonteam.vpweb.com/)

Andrea SchieckSongen,
sporting the LITT colors

Wearing the colors of a team or group can be motivating in itself. Belonging to a team or group, you automatically have the motivation from team members and supporters that from personal experience has gotten me through some times I wanted to give up. Without the Long Island Triathlon Team, I wouldn't have completed my first triathlon! They helped me through the swim, with lots of training, and weekly bike rides, and whenever they saw me at a running event team members would cheer me on!

As the race started watching everyone head off I was motivated to go out and race myself this season.
While I was shooting I was able to cheer on my friends and get some great shots of them.
One of my favorite shots of the day, was a shot of two Karen and Fran riding side by side. They proudly wore their GLIRC singlets, and rode side by side.  I know they were there helping each other out, telling one another not to give up and cheering each other along.
Karen Klafter- Schacker and Fran Sanseverino- DeAngelis,
sporting the GLIRC colors and motivating each other during the race.
It just reminded me, how the GLIRC team is there for one another. And how they help motivate each other at all the events, and in training for all the events as well. Now, I would be be wrong to say that other groups such as Northport Running Club, and the Long Island Triathlon Team do not do the same. Joining a group, club, or team can really give a boost to your motivation level. Heck a few years ago, it motivated me so much that I went as far as winning Most Improved Runner in all of GLIRC! (hhmmm....what will it take to do the same this year?!?!?....I feel I've just invited some competition here!)
Feeling motivated yet? Joining together with that team can make a difference!
As a health coach, one thing that I am here for my clients for is to motivate them get to their goals and beyond. Having been in the military I know how easy it is to lose motivation, and how hard it is to get it back, BUT with the right tools you can do it. You can beat the odds and get to where you want to be!
 Hey Karen did it here, she broke the tape at this duathlon!
Karen Klafter-Schacker 
finishing and breaking the tape for the win!
(and motivating me!)

One other place I got my motivation for the day (and everyday), was and is from my dogs. They motivate me to live my life in such a way that I can be happy and healthy. From going out for that daily walk, or run to eating healthy to going out and be social with others.

Skyler and I ,motivated each other
to get to the finish line here
to get our awards and have a great day together!
Pets can help motivate
 and be there for you all the time!
Now get out there and accomplish what you want to do!
Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at

If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!
I can be found on the web at:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Professional Photographer and Videographer, Certified Dog Trainer

May 7, 2013- Omega 3 and 6  Essential Fatty Acids

Omega 3 and 6 Essential Fatty Acids are necessary to our health and our dogs health and life. Although we cannot produce these on our own. SO we need to obtain these from our food sources. If you are not vegetarian or vegan, you can obtain these through fish and fish oils. Whereas vegetarians and vegan, who look for our nutrition through plant sources need to find plant sources to get our Omegas from.

Well, here we go some plant sources that have Omega 3 and 6 Essential Fatty Acids are:
Walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds. Yes, our nuts and seeds have these essential and important Omegas.

Ways to use these are to pack a bag of nuts (a small bag, let's not over do it, remember too much of a good thing turns out not to be so good) and have them during the day.
Take flax, or chia seeds and add them to smoothies (which I did today- I grounded my flaxseeds up and put them into my Vega Smoothie after my workout this morning!) or add them to salads. Actually you can add these to just about anything, pastas, rices, etc.
These can also benefit our dogs, flaxseed and  flaxseed oil are used in dogs to strengthen their bones, heal their paws, and maintain their energy. It also also plays a significant role in canine cardiovascular health and skin and coat health. It is an important source of fiber and antioxidants, as well as having anti-tumor properties. Flax seed as an anti-inflammatory useful in treating arthritis, (with three senior dogs, I add a little flaxseed to their food at least once a week).

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at

If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!
I can be found on the web at:

Friday, May 3, 2013

May Day: FREE Detox Challenge Day 3

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Professional Photographer and Videographer, Certified Dog Trainer

May 3, 2013- Are you still with me?....Enjoying those green smoothies, and fresh veggies?....Are you detoxing with your dog?....WOW, you've made it two whole days, you know not everyone can do that, you should be proud of yourself. Your body is thanking you for treating it so kindly! How do you feel? How are your dogs, my dogs want to know about them as well! I want to know comment below or send me an email, pamelaschm@optonline.net (you can email, Skyler- Candycane- Sandy- or Benji there as well!).

Well today is the last day, yes, Day 3, our time together was short but so beneficial for our health! Okay, let's get this day started.

Breakfast and Lunch: You guessed it! We're continuing the green smoothie way! I hope your enjoying your green smoothies.  They are so packed full of vitamins, minerals, fiber. To help keep you nourished, keep you full for hours, and energized as well. Do you feel effects of them? I know after my green smoothie everyday I keep going strong for hours, do not feel hungry for hours, have the energy to last a long time, and know that all the fruits and veggies are nouishing every cell in my body!

Dinner: Okay, something a little different today. Have you ever heard of Quinoa?

Quinoa is a grain that provides anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, and heart healthy fats like monosaturated fat. It also has a key mineral, Calcium, providing over twice the calcium that is found in whole wheat. Quinoa has the ability to lower cholesterol and help maintain levels of HDL or good cholesterol. Meanwhile, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients in quinoa also make it a likely candidate for cancer risk reduction.

That being said, here's a great recipe for tonight:

Ingredients: Quinoa (2 cups)
                     Carrots (2-3)
                     Broccoli (1-2 stalks)
                     Scallions (1-2)
                     Tomatoes (1-2)
                     Olive Oil (1-2 tbsps)
                     Black Pepper (to taste)
                     Sea Salt (to taste)

Directions: Cook the quinoa (use 2X the amount of water than quinoa when making your quinoa)

               While the quinoa is cooking, cut up the carrots, broccoli, scallions, and tomatoes into bite size pieces

               Once the Quinoa is finished, and the veggies are chopped, take a pan and heat it on    medium.

                Add the olive oil to the pan, and add the carrots, the broccoli,the scallions and then add the quinoa.

                 Add the black pepper and sea salt.

                 Cook for 2-3 minutes

                 Remove from heat, and add the chopped tomatoes.

                 Serve up and Enjoy!

We're working on our insides, but don't forget about our outsides!

*Don't Forget to skin brush, it's a easy way to remove dead skin cells and allow new skin cells to grow and have glowing skin!

Doggie Detox:

We can't forget about our dogs, can we?....Of course not!....Here's the detox for today for our dogs!

Milk Thistle, the milk thistle seed is said to contain the flavoniod silymarin. Which helps to repair damaged liver cells and offers protection to new liver cells. It is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.  It prevents toxins from damaging liver cells and encouraurages liver cells to create more bile. The increase in bile aids in digestion and nutrient absorption.

It is used as a dried herb or tincture.

*Note- this may interact with some drugs.

Don't forget to brush your dogs. While some dogs should be brushed daily, other weekly, and so forth, brushing your dog will help maintain a healthy coat and remove the dead fur and allow for new healthy fur to grow! (not to mention more control over the fur throughout your house!)

Congratulations to you and your dog! You both did it! You've start to live a healthier lifestyle already, now if you want to continue to learn to live a healthier life, contact me and I'll coach you and your dog to doing just that!
Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at

If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!
I can be found on the web at:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Days: FREE 3 Day Detox Challenge

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Professional Photographer and Videographer, Certified Dog Trainer

May 1, 2013- It's May, time for May flowers. And time to make the transition from those heavy winter foods to lighter spring foods. Today, I'll start you out with a easy three day detox, for you and some detox tips for your dog each day.

So are you ready to transition? Are you ready to shed the winter pounds away? Are you ready to boost your mood into high gear? Well then let's get started!

First and foremost, it's really simple....I'll be giving you some recipes but you can tailor them to your liking.....just follow these simple, easy guidelines.

Include these foods:  Whole, Unprocessed foods
                                   Fresh pressed juices
                                   ALL FRUIT SMOOTHIES

ELIMINATE these foods: Processed Foods (anything that comes in a package)
                                           Meat (including poultry and fish)
                                           Caffeine (including tea and chocolate)
Day One
*HINT: Start each day with warm lemon water. It will cleanse the blood, liver, and kidneys and it activates our digestive system for maximum efficiency throughout the day!
Breakfast and Lunch: Green Smoothie
Ingredients: Spinach (a handful or two)
Mango (1)
Bananas (2)
Water (to your liking- enough to allow blender to blend easily- keep in mind, the amount of water will make the smoothie more or less thick or thin!)
Coconut Butter (about 1 tbsp)
Preparation: Put the greens, mango, bananas, water, and coconut butter in a blender and blend them all together until smooth!
Pour into a glass and ENJOY!
Mangos contain antioxidants that help protect the body from cancers. They are also a great alkalizing food, to help maintain a healthy Ph level in the body.  Full of vitamins A and C, and 25 other carotenoids they help boost the immune system. Containing high levels of fiber, pectin, and vitamin C will help improve digestion and lower cholesterol.  As well as being full of beta carotene and vitamin C, they help with the skin's cell repair and elasticity, and vitamin A helps maintain eye health, night blindness, and dry eyes.
Bananas contain fiber, and carbohydrates that help regulate the body's digestive system by help maintain a healthy digestive tract. Bananas contain potassium, which has a calming effect on the mind. The potassium has good side effects to the kidneys, controling the spending of calcium in the urine helping kidneys to function well and reduce the risk of kidney stones. The high levels of antioxidant phenolic compounds help to protect the kidneys. The potassium and low sodium in combination prevent high blood pressure and risk of stroke. Healthy carbohydrates act to increase energy.  A banana a day can help healthy vision.  Containing Tryptophan, an amino acid compound helps to produce serotonin which helps you feel calm and stabilize your mood.
Spinach is loaded with vitamins like A, K, D and E as well as trace minerals. They are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids.  Contain antioxidants that are anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory. Alkalizes the body. Contains carotenoids that protect the eyes against diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration as well as nourishing the eyes. The Vitamin K it contains as well as the calcium and magnesium it strengths the bones.

Dinner: Stir Fry- Veggie Style

*Tip:Your external environment is a reflection of your internal environment so take the time to some spring cleaning to rid any clutter in your home or workplace.

Veggie Stir Fry
 Carrots (2-4)
Broccoli (1-2 stalks)
Kale (1-2 handfuls)
Onion (1)
Garlic (1-2 cloves)
Olive Oil (1-2 tbsps)
Sea Salt (to taste)
Chop veggies however you desire, use all of the veggies you can (only cutting off dry portions, etc)
and put them aside.
Heat pan over medium heat then add olive oil.
When oil is hot, add kale, broccoli,carrots, onions, garlic, and sea salt.
Once kale is wilted and bright green. Remove from heat.
Take lemon and squeeze lemon juice over the mix.
Cut up avocado, and add to the mix.
Serve it up, and ENJOY!
Okay, you've made it through DAY ONE!

Oh, for our dogs....here's their detoxing for our dog for Day One:

Yes, toxins can build up in our dog's body too, so it's a good idea to help them cleanse their body's from the inside out!

Today, let's try some Burdock for our dogs. 

Burdock cleanses the skin and had anti inflammatory, and antibacterial and antioxidant effects.

Burdock treats skin conditions, dandruff, and acne.

Burdock first works on the execretory system, by stimulating the release of toxins from the body. It cleans the blood of impurities, and removes toxins through the skin.  Secondly, it is directed to the skin, and helps the healing of the skin.

It comes in several forms to include capsules, dried herbs, liquid extracts, teas, and tinctures. It is taken internally.

*Note: This can interact with diabetes medication.
Tune in tomorrow for DAY TWO!
Good Luck!
See you then!

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about, at

If you like what you see and want to learn more about living a healthier life with a health coach by your side contact me for a FREE Health Consultation today!
I can be found on the web at:


Tuesday, April 30, 2013


By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

April 30, 2013- Walking! It's a simple easy thing to do right? Of course, you take one foot and put in front of the other and start to walk.....or is it that simple?!?!?

Take for instance a child learning his or her first steps, or a puppy just learning to walk. It's not always that easy, and definitely something you should not take for granted, as there as so many people in this world that for whatever reason cannot walk!

When you go out for a walk, I hope there are a few things you keep in mind to help you, keep yourself safe, which will result an even more enjoyable walk for yourself.

Before you head out for a walk, make sure you have a comfortable walking shoe. The proper shoe can make or break a nice walk. You need a shoe that is comfortable, and that gives you the correct support. With all the shoes out there, try them on in the store and make sure they're a great fit, perfect size, and a good WALKING shoe.  Yes, there are shoes that just aren't made for walking! Not all shoes are made for walking.

Okay, another thing you should think about is purchasing a reflective vest or headlamp/ flashlight.  I want you to think about this because we need to be seen by oncoming traffic. Let's face it, even though it's illegal to talk on the phone or text people still do it, people fiddle with the radio, people have so much going on their mission is to get to their destination and sometimes the mind wanders and they may not see you. SO bring as much attention to yourself as you can, even in the daytime. (Here's a fact: I was walking with my dogs awhile ago, and I saw a UPS driver wearing a reflective vest in the daytime and asked why he was wearing it in the daytime- he said it was company policy, NOW if a big company like that came up with a policy like that, there has to be something to it!) Of course, if your going out at night for a walk, wear a reflective vest AND have a headlamp or flashlight on your person, and ON! Again, let's be seen at all times.

Speaking about walking at night, and being safe. Especially for women (and men). Know where your walking and choose a well lit area. Choose a safe neighbor if you can and know how to protect yourself if you need to. Now, I'm not saying to carry mase, or any weapons with you- but know some basic defense moves, and use your keys or flashlight to protect yourself. If possible walk with a buddy (preferably all the time, but especially at night! IE- Your dog can be great protection!)

Walk on the side of the road against traffic when there are no sidewalks. Reason being: when you walk on the road AGAIN you want to be seen AND you want to see quickly what is approaching you. The response time will be quicker if you do not have to take the time to turn around and see the oncoming car. (If you have sidewalks, USE THEM!)

Now, I know this is going back to grammar school BUT it's an oldie but goodie!
"LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING THE STREET!" So many times today, we rely on traffic lights and signs....and that's great BUT people have been known to miss a light or sign...or just run through them- or the infamous "california roll". So take the extra time and LOOK BOTH WAYS!

Whenever you can cross at a crosswalk USE THE CROSSWALK, they were put there for a reason!

Railroad Crossings, when crossing a railroad crossing, do not take chances! Again look both ways, do not try to beat the train, if the bars are down and lights are flashing!

Walking the Dog(s)!

Okay, Skyler, Sandy, Candycane, and Benji wanted me to talk about properly walking your dog on the street and on the local trails. They complied some information on their many walks on how we can better walk with our dogs and make it better for them (and us as well!)

First and foremost, when you walk the dog on the street- it is best to KEEP YOUR DOG ON A LEASH. To begin with, in most areas IT IS THE LAW! Next, with all that is out there it's just plain safer. I know alot of people have total voice control with their dogs- BUT you don't have total voice control over the driver coming down the road, or the squirrel that just ran out in front of your dog! Or the dog maybe that excited dog on the other side of the road also going for a walk! "Expect the Unexpected! and be prepared with a leash!) And once you pick up after your dog, please discard the waste in the proper recepticles, many dog parks have separate containers for dog waste verses other trash. If this is the case please discard accordingly. If not, please do not leave poop bags just anywhere.

You should be able to communicate with your dog- yes, a few basic training commands. Such as walking your dog on a loose leash properly. Basic commands like sit and down, can come in handy if you need stop at a light or stop sign and need more control over your dog for safety, or if you need clean up after your dog you can have your dog sit and not have your dog pull you all over the place. If you do want to go off leash with your dog, having great voice control is the best, notice I say great not good.

I would be remissed if I didn't mention this point- BRING DOGGIE POOP BAGS on your walk! Be responsible enough to clean up or curb your dog! It's just plain courteous to the neighbors that live in the area, and fellow walkers/ runners, etc.  If the waste is not cleaned up, the rain will not wash it away, it will be washed into water supplys or sit there and develop bacterias that can harm others or yourself in time! It's also not nice to step in a pile of poop, YUCK! And it makes the neighborhood look bad, what if every dog owner let their dogs poop on your front lawn and left it- you wouldn't like it- would you? In many places, if you do not pick up after your dog you can be fined!

Consider a reflective vest, harnass, leash and collar- or lighted apparel for your dog as well. During the day these items will come in handy for your dog as well to be seen.

Identification, make sure your dog has some sort of identification- rabies tags, id collar and/ or tags, today they have id tags that people can go online and find the owners quickly, and easily. www.roadid.com has id collars for your dog, as well as id bands- bracelets- and more for you!

As I mentioned above, walk on sidewalks- or if one is not present and you walk on the road- walk on the lefthand side of the road towards traffic. Let's take this one more step while walking your dog. Walk your dog with them on the left hand side of YOU! I am suggesting this because you are taller than your dog and therefore easier to spot. (I know people like to see the cute puppy walking down the road BUT!) Another tidbit, people can get lost when looking at the cute dog, their attention can be diverted, and I don't know about you but I want their full attention on driving safely!

I mentioned proper walking shoes above, well let's think about our dog's paws. This doesn't mean to go out and buy doggie boots for your dog walks. Although I must admit, this is an option. (Not all dogs would put up with putting them on of course!) Think about the time of day, your going out for your walk- what about the weather. Certain times of the day the roads are hotter which can be harsh on your dogs paws. Or if there is snow and ice, this too can be harsh, in these cases there are several choices for you to consider. One doggie booties, once again not all dogs would be up for this! Or two, you can purchase a guard that you put directly on the paws to protect them from the elements.  I use Paw Guard by Four Paws. And finally, you can opt to walk at another time! Oh you should look at the surface of the road (was it salted to melt the ice- be sure to wipe their paws after walking), or is there broken glass (opt for another route, or just be in tune to where your walking!)

Moving on to walking your dogs on trails. Alright, your probably saying trails- hey, I can safely be off leash here! Well let's look at a few different points. In many places, yeah it's ideal! But at the same time many places it isn't. I would first look at IS IT LEGAL TO HAVE MY DOG OFFLEASH? If it isn't and you are caught without a leash there can be fines. Next look at where you are.....Colorado may have more open space than say NY....and well less people in the given
area....will my dog be tempted to go over and say hello to others, even if unwanted?.....We have to take the responsiblity to be respectful of others using public trails! What about wildlife? Are there foxes, rabbits, ducks, etc that my dog(s) can chase? Is there a possiblity of one or both getting hurt?

I also want to mention keep both you and your dog hydrated, in other words "DRINK WATER!" I heard it in the military, I hear it know....it's so important to drink clean, fresh hydrating water, especially when being active. We are always losing water and need to replace it so drink up! Bring a bottle of water for your dog, and one for you on your walks- you can clip the bottles on your belt and go! (You can even get a collapsible bowl for your dog's water!)

I know these are alot of questions but we all have to think and act responsibly before heading out because this can result in a more happy, peaceful, enjoyable walk. Now, that you know how to go out and have a safe walk, get out there and walk!

I want to mention the use of MPEG players, Ipods, etc., although I love them and use them myself. They can pose a danger in a safe walk. Use them safely and wisely. Keep the volume low, and don't let them take over your concentration, pay attention to your surroundings. If your walking the dog, be sure that you talk to your dog and that you are paying attention to your dog as well as the music that is playing. If you need the volume high, my suggestion would be to leave it home and listen to it later!
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