I must admit this blog has to do with a colleague's blog...she posted a blog on shorts- more towards fashion and looking great. You can check out her blogs (awesome blogs at that!) at www.lemonstripes.com! Whereas I'll be talking shorts and the "short of things" for people and their dogs, so a little twist to her blog if your will!
Shorts, ah yes, the warmer weather is here...and for the East Coast of the United States, the last few months have definitely brought some crazy weather our way. And even for this snow loving gal, the warm weather is definitely an invited switch! I welcome the sun, the warmth, the blooming trees, plants, flowers, the bright colors....time to let the dogs out to play, set up the doggy pools and be well DOGS!
On the topic of shorts....
Besides the wonderful fashionable tips that my dear colleague has given us all this past week.....here are some tips on choosing your fashions to best suit the warmer weather!
Choose fabrics that are light and natural. Cotton, allows the body to breathe and is a natural! Try your best to avoid wool (let the sheep keep their wool, as it acts as an insulator to hot and cold for them, THEM!) Also avoid synthetics. Choosing fabrics that are thin and lightweight is also best. And well, it's time to shed those layers, it's Spring and soon will be Summer!
Another tip is to choose loose fitting clothing. Clothing that fit close to the skin make you warmer!
While wearing shorts, protect yourself and limit time in the sun, and wear wide brimmed hats, and sunglasses to protect skin and eyes. So wear those shorts but think about also wearing longpants from time to time but with breathable fabrics that are loosely fit, and comfortable.
Okay, Skyler, Sandy, Candycane, and Benji have gathered some information on summer "cuts" for dogs..... "Shave the dog?" The answer is YIKES! (as my dogs run from my grooming sheers!) : It's NOT necessary they say!
Keep your dog well brushed throughout the warmer months especially, although this should be YEAR round folks! Watch for matting and remove that shedding hair, trust me my dogs love a good brushing, as I brush one- the others come over looking for their time to be brushed! Keeping your dog brushed, matt-free, and shed free will keep your dog cooler and alot more comfortable. (Not to mention the bonding experience between the two of you while you brush your dog, did I mention the health benefits of doing so for you?!?!? It will help lower blood pressure, WIN- WIN!!)
Like most things found in nature, the dog’s coat has a purpose. It protects him from the elements in winter by insulating him from cold. In double-coated breeds, the downy undercoat acts as his thermal underwear, waterproofing him as well. In warm weather, the well-brushed coat “lofts” as the dog moves, air cooling him all the way to the skin.
Here are your tips to helping your dog keep cooler and comfortable during the warmer weather:
Feel free to trim longer hair on your dog, but if you shave your dog remember to check on your dog's breed: The layers of dogs' coats protect them from overheating and sunburn. And be sure that any sunscreen or insect repellent product you use on your pets is labeled specifically for use on animals.
It’s important to help your dog get rid of their heavier winter coat so they can stay cool as temperatures rise. A bath will release the undercoat and a good brushing will get rid of the extra hair. To make sure pets are extra silky and shiny, a dose of milk bath moisturizing conditioner and regular at-home brushings will help make coats softer and healthier.
More or Less:
People often think shaving a dog during the summer is the answer to shedding and overheating. Actually a pet’s coat helps regulate their body temperature and protects them from the sun. Brushing your dog is better than shaving and an effective way to help control shedding and keep pets cooler.
Dogs have regular, ongoing needs no matter the season, including coat, and paw care. Grooming your dog regularly is an essential part of a pet’s health. And it’s important to help keep dogs’ paws healthy with regular nail trims and removal of any extra hair so debris won’t get stuck in their paws. As the weather gets warmer, keep in mind the surfaces you have your dog walking on, their paws are sensitive to hot pavements. If prolonged time on hot surfaces is something unavoidable, consider investing in a paw guard to put on your dogs paws. Or even dog boots. It will protect them from paw damage. Try to consider the time of day you walk your dog as well!
Shady times:
Make sure your pets have a shady place to get out of the sun, be careful to not over exercise them, when on walks bring water for you and your dog.
I can be found on the web at:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SwissAmericanVegan
Twitter: www.twitter.com/theDogRunner
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