April 28, 2013- Today, I will be introducing you to yet another "business" partner and best friend, a canine. Her name is Sandy.
Sandy is a Cocker Spaniel/ Golden Retriver mix. She is 14 years old. Sandy came to me way of North Shore Animal League. She was approxiamtely 2 years old. It was shortly after 9/11, that she came into my life. I walked into NSAL, and our eyes met and from that point on, we became the best of friends. She rescued me from that point on. Several weeks before I had lost my dear Sammy (a sheppard mix who I got from Smithtown Animal Shelter), and although Sammy could never be replaced.....Sandy filled a void in my heart!
Sandy also had a similiar look that my dear Candy had, and once again although Candy could never be replaced she filled a void there as well. Candy was a Cocker Spaniel, who came to me through a reputable breeder, one look into her eyes and I knew that we would be forever!

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Facebook: www.facebook.com/SwissAmericanVegan
Twitter: www.twitter.com/theDogRunner
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