Sunday, April 28, 2013

Swiss American Vegan Rescue Dog- Intro Sandy

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

April 28, 2013- Today, I will be introducing you to yet another "business" partner and best friend, a canine. Her name is Sandy.
Sandy is a Cocker Spaniel/ Golden Retriver mix.  She is 14 years old. Sandy came to me way of North Shore Animal League. She was approxiamtely 2 years old. It was shortly after 9/11, that she came into my life. I walked into NSAL, and our eyes met and from that point on, we became the best of friends. She rescued me from that point on. Several weeks before I had lost my dear Sammy (a sheppard mix who I got from Smithtown Animal Shelter), and although Sammy could never be replaced.....Sandy filled a void in my heart!

Sandy also had a similiar look that my dear Candy had, and once again although Candy could never be replaced she filled a void there as well. Candy was a Cocker Spaniel, who came to me through a reputable breeder, one look into her eyes and I knew that we would be forever!

Sandy came to be a Certified Therapy Dog, and had many patients who longed to see her every week at the local nursing home.  She would go in and visit with her patients, and let them pet her and cuddle close to them, and get them smiling in her visits! She taught me that a kind word and smile can go such a long way. She taught me that giving someone the time of day, and having just one conversation or visit can change so much! So becoming a health coach, I keep this lesson in mind. So that I can help change the world, or someone else's world one client at a time!

Sandy has also come to be another running partner, as well as yoga or rather Doga partner. She has taught me to the Downward Dog pose, the Cobra pose (as seen in the photo to the right), and to take the time to properly meditate and to relax! Such doga poses can be seen with Sandy by my side in the video below! Enjoy!

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