Thursday, April 25, 2013

Swiss American Vegan Gal Intro

By Pamela Schmidlin, Certified Health Coach, Certified Dog Trainer, Professional Photographer and Videographer

April 25, 2013- I thought I'd really introduce myself to you today.....the next couple of days, you'll be introduced to my "business partners", the Swiss American Vegan Rescue Dogs- Skyler, Sandy, Candycane, and Benji.  (AKA the Six Legged Athletes/ Companions!)

I am someone who strongly believes in her family and roots, and wants to learn more about them.  I love the fact that my family came from Switzerland and longs to learn more about the country and the customs everyday in order to incorporate them into my lifestyle here in NY!

As a vegan, I came to the lifestyle in steps. First transitioning to vegetarian then to vegan, and now I guess I would be considered an eco-vegan! I came to this lifestyle with the thought of animals, I didn't want to kill oe hurt any animals in anyway for any part of my life. I started to give up eating meat, then dairy, not wear leather, and well you get the point. Soon it became a move for not just the animals but the environment/ planet, I drove less....and walk, run, or ride my bike more than drive. I gave up using plastic bottles- I drink tap water, mostly filtered....and am once again changing the filtering system I use because I found an even better one than I am presently using!

I decided to work with my dogs because they are teachers to me as well....whether it's teaching me to do the proper Downward Dog (Yoga Pose), or teaching me to handle different situations in life, and to remain calm, or just being there to lower my blood pressure (by the way, my blood pressure is unusally low and whenever I have a checkup they are surprized to see such a low yet healthy blood pressure!). They are also my exercise partners, in the next few days you will see how each of my dogs- came to be a Six Legged Athlete with me!

If you are interested in hiring me as a health coach, I will be as neutral about your lifestyle choice as possible- you set your path BUT I will educate you on health choices you can make in your daily life to be the healthiest and happy YOU! Along with your health coaching, I offer one added bonus....your dog gets a FREE health coach along with you. (If you have a cat, bird, hamster, or any other pet- I will be there for them as well! Hey, animals need to be healthy too! And I know that the unconditional love they give in return will be immeasureable!)

Email me and tell me what your up to and what you want to me to blog about,
I can be found on the web at:


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