Monday, May 4, 2015

Daily Blog

May 4, 2015-

I need to add a little something different to my daily workout. So besides adding my Doga workout and stretching back into my daily routine, I wanted to add some ab work . And to spruce up my raw vegan lifestyle, or eat more raw in these warmer temperatures that are presenting themselves these days!

Besides adding to my workouts, I am also going to be cleaning up the house once again......and going to start to remodel again. I have my plans and I need to get going on them once again. Painting is one of those tasks. And I gotta admit painting always puts me in a good state of mind. So WIN- WIN!.....

Ok, so as not to overwhelm myself right now, this week I will be concentrating on adding a few things into my daily workout, (yes, most likely situps, pushups, planks, squats, etc......) I am looking into these things tonight......and I will report more tomorrow. I will be writing down stuff in my daily journal as well as my blog- I want to do want I eat in a day vlogs as well, and my daily workout stay tuned for those! Dare I put my measurements to start with, and how I am progressing from week to week......anyone interested?!?!?!?!?.....Comments below if you are!

Ok, so these are some things I will be starting this week......

Until tomorrow,
Have a tail waggin' day,

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