Sunday, May 3, 2015

Update ......

May 3, 2015-

What to report.....Okay- first today was the Long Island Marathon weekend- and I had a lot of friends running that marathon- half marathon- as well as other marathons all over!......In fact, Dr Robert Monaco, DVM ran the LI Half Marathon after training with his faithful companion, Jake (yes, companion of the four legged kind!) Dr Monaco is the author or a great book called "ER to PR- Veterinary Medicine on the Run"

In fact he had a story written about him in the local paper, I just had to share this with you all- it is inspiring for anyone and everyone to get moving!......And hey, you can see his best friend pictured in the story!

You can read it here:

He will be participating in the NYC TRI in July so go on in to Central Park and cheer him on as well as Scout and myself who are doing the Doggy Dash!

As far as the week being "Be Kind to Animals Week!" you can do a few things to be kind to our companion friends:

1- try a Meatless Monday
2- Get Your Leash On!
Which will be kind to your companion, yourself and this month other animals at the Kent animal Shelter- a WIN- WIN- WIN- and what the heck WIN! situation there.

Don't forget about our fundraiser for the shelter that helped me find my furever home!
You can help us help them out (did I just go all Jerry Maguire on you all there?!?!?).....anyway click on these links and you can buy our book- in fact, we will start instead of just the month of May- we will extend it from April 15 to May 24th and with every book sold we will donate a portion of the proceeds to Kent Animal Shelter......
 Hard copy version:
EBook Version:
 To make a donation to Kent Animal Shelter go to out Crowdrise fundraiser page here:
3-  You can simply do something like start a new healthy routine with your companion like the simple act of brushing their teeth and coat! As pictured to the left and to the right......this is also kind to yourself as well, BONUS- hey it will lower blood pressure!

These are just the top three ways that some to mind.....think of your own ways and put them in action this week. I hope the great ways become a happy and healthy habit.

Until tomorrow,
 Have a tail wagging evening,

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